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Do you know why she doesn’t appreciate?

Patient: My wife loves me a lot. She is a very considerate person. At the same time, when it comes to my way of doing, she is highly intolerant. Surprisingly, she tolerates others’ mistakes to a greater extent – this includes my parent’s actions too.


One part of her is tolerant, while the other part of her is intolerant – especially to you. It shows, somehow you trigger the other – unwanted part in her.

Do you have a similar behavior in yourself?

Patient: Yeah! In general, I always tend to correct the way of others and not just one person. I believe everything has to be done correctly, with the right people, and at the right time.


I will teach you a simple method here.

Affirm as many times as possible:

“I RELEASE the PART of ME that is criticized by her”.


IRELEASE THE PART OF ME that makes her criticise me.

“I OPEN ALIGN WITH the PART of ME that evokes her tolerance to PRAISE me”.

You can write them too.

The letters in UPPER CASE is fixed. The rest of the statement, you can fill with whatever you want. This way, you are releasing the behavior you don’t want and activating the behavior you want in others.

Now, don’t ask me any questions, how it works. Come to my class on Oct 19th, to shoot your questions there:

No More Dis-Harmony


Please explain how to do rule exercise


Let us say you want to achieve harmony in your life.

The first step is to release all the hurdles that are inside you, which prevent s you from creating harmony.

Affirm the following statements as many times as possible, which helps you to remove disharmony from your life. Without removing it, you cannot create harmony in your relationships:

I release any memory that prevents my harmony

I release every thought that prevents my harmony

I release my memory of blaming that prevents my harmony

I release the memory, which prevents my getting of love and affection

I release the thought that I lack love and affection

I release my memories of reject and disapproval

I release all my desires for approval

I release my memory of my anger to be in a state of love

I release my thought of blaming to be in a state of love and peace

I release the memory that I am misunderstood

I release the thought that I am misunderstood

I release the memory of my being criticized

I release the thought that I am criticized

I release the memory of attracting unkind, unloving people

I release the thought I am with unloving people

I release the memory that keeps me (in) hostility

I release every memory that prevents my state of love

I release the thought that prevents my state of love

After successfully completing the first step, do the second step which will help you to create harmony:


Have a Ball (of Love)

Referring the post:


Why do things such as these happen?

Is it an exercise expelling some internal discord?


We always want harmony, love and peace.

But we don’t know how to get when we are denied or when are rejected.

Life simply follows physical law.

If you throw a ball on the wall, it rebounds and comes back to you with the same force.

Our thoughts and emotions are like balls thrown at the opposite person.

When we refuse to forgive, we will not be forgiven.

Send a forgiving note you will get back the same.

Send ball of love, which will be returned to you as the ball of love.

Do and do, till we get the same love back.